Welcome to Split Text Plugin page
This is a page to showcase Split Text and its capabilities
Let's get started:
First of all make sure to inlcude JQuery and GSAP greensock library before the plugin:
http://code.jquery.com/jquery-1.9.1.min.js http://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/gsap/1.9.0/TweenMax.min.js
To initialize the plugin on an element call
- Add the 'splitText' class to it
- Create an object with some properties ex. {'animation':'explode','type':'words'}
- Call var split = $(".splitText").splitText({...});
- And to animate the splited text we call split.animate();
The public user-defined options are:
- type: 'lines', 'words', 'letters'
- animation: 'explode', '3D', 'slide', 'smoke', 'glowOnHover', 'colorize','typography3D','blackout','scramble'
- duration: ex. '1.0' in seconds
- scale: boolean
- justSplit: boolean (splitText returns only the splited text, no animation)
- colorize: ex. '#ff0000' when glowOnHover or colorize is selected
- useCSS: boolean value (to use external css or the build-in one)
You can view examples of this plugin here
version is 0.9-beta